Igor Davydenko 🇺🇦. Igor Davydenko 🇺🇦 › Talks

Ludic Framework

Pykonik#71 · 17 Oct 2024

Lightning Talk about Ludic – framework for Web Development in Pure Python with Type-Guided Components.


Python & GitHub Actions

Lviv.py#9 · 30 Apr 2020

GitHub Actions introduction for Python libraries & projects needs. Examples on how to use them for Python libraries, projects, JavaScript libraries & full stack projects.


OpenAPI 3 & Python

Lviv.py#8 · 19 Dec 2019

Brief overview on how to use OpenAPI 3 within Python web-frameworks: aiohttp & rororo, Flask & connexion, Django & Django REST Framework and others. Whether it better to use manually created openapi.yaml schema or generate it from Python code?


★ Igor and the Holy Grail (Lighting Talk)

PyCon DE 2019 · 9 Oct 2019

7 years ago I started my Holy Grail findings. After:

  • routr (and the attempt to make a web framework)
  • jsl (and the attempt to provide principles to build web applications for Flask, aiohttp.web or any web framework)
  • GraphQL (and abandoning REST API as a whole)

I’ve discovered OpenAPI 3 Schema and, thankfully to pyramid3_openapi, I’ve decided to rebuild my rororo library to bring OpenAPI 3 schema support to aiohttp.web applications.

Speaker Deck

How to make your own CI/CD tool with Python 3

PyCon Estonia 2019 · 3 Oct 2019

The story about my findings after I decided to create CI/CD tool with Python 3. See how to prototype this kind of tool, how to work with GitHub API & how to enforce best from asyncio stack to get a working solution.


Why I’m using poetry, when you aren’t

Kyiv.py#25 · 23 Mar 2019

Talk about poetry – tool for Python packaging and dependency management. How I’m using it, what its benefits and problems. How and when it can replace pip, and when it cannot.


★ How type annotations make your code better?

PyCon DE 2018 · 24 Oct 2018

Why you might need to start thinking in data structures, or how to make your code more maintainable & predictable, while increase your development experience.


How to migrate from Django REST Framework to GraphQL API

OdessaPY Conference 2018 · 30 Sep 2018

Describing my experience in migration from Django REST Framework to GraphQL using graphene-django.


Is asyncio stack ready for web development?

PyCon CZ 2018 · 2 Jun 2018

Lessons learned from running aiohttp web application in production for 15+ months. Reasons why to choose asyncio stack for web development over standard Django / Flask approaches.

Speaker DeckSlidesVideo

Type Annotations & mypy. 9 months later

Kyiv.py#21 · 12 Aug 2017

Describing how I use type annotations & mypy in production.


API Wars. Episode X - GraphQL

UA PyCon 2017 · 9 Apr 2017

Lessons learned after using GraphQL and Python in production.


Oh my py. Type hinting in Python

Dnepr.py#5 · 2 Nov 2016

Introduction to type hinting (type annotations) in Python.

Speaker DeckSlidesVideo

async/await in Python. One year later

SE 2016 · 3 Sep 2016

Findings & lessons from using async/await in Python for last year.


Why you might need Firebase?

UA PyCon 2016 · 24 Apr 2016

Brief overview of Firebase and how to work with it in Python.


CircleCI or: How I learned to stop worrying and love CI again

UA PyCon 2016 · 23 Apr 2016

Comparing CircleCI and other CI services and find out why it works much better for my needs.


★ Advanced async/await in Python 3.5

Lviv.py#5 · 28 Nov 2015

Describing how to implement Python backend for Server Side Events (SSE) & WebSockets.


Welcome to async/await era

PyCon Finland 2015 · 19 Oct 2015

Overview of new additions to Python 3.5: async/await statements.

Speaker DeckSlidesVideo

★ Asyncio Stack & React.js or Development on the Edge

EuroPython 2015 · 20 Jul 2015

Developing modern web applications with React.js on frontend and Python 3 Asyncio stack on backend.

Speaker DeckSlidesVideo

Fast Python

IT Weekend Kyiv · 20 Jun 2015

Brief overview of practices to write faster Python code.


Introduction to Asyncio Stack

Lviv.py#4 · 30 May 2015

Brief introduction to Asyncio stack for Python web developers. Describing aiohttp.web, aiopg, and rororo - libraries for building web applications on top of Python 3.

Speaker DeckSlides

All about Flask Extensions

Dnepr.py#2 · 29 Mar 2014

Things to know about making Flask extensions.


How SQLAlchemy saving the world?

Kharkiv.py#10 · 22 Mar 2014

Overview of powerful SQLAlchemy features and how they saving the world.


Less Is Better?

Kyiv.py#11 · 26 Oct 2013

How and why I failed at Django Dash competition?


Couchbase for Python developers

Hotcode 2013 · 1 Jun 2013

Introduction to Couchbase: yet another NoSQL database built on top of Memchached & CouchDB.


★ In Flask We Trust

UA PyCon 2012 · 21 Oct 2012

Detailed introduction of Flask micro web-framework.

Speaker DeckSlides

Selenium and other UI-testing tools in Python

Kyiv.py#8 · 22 Sep 2012

How Selenium solves problems with UI unit-testing by Twill, mechanize & WebTest.


Combine multiple Flask applications at one Heroku host

IT Jam 2012 · 1 Sep 2012

Quick how-to on deploying multile Flask applications to one Heroku host.


Speed up execution of Django tests

UA PyCon 2011 · 22 Oct 2011

Overview of technics and solutions to speed up Django tests execution.


Igor Davydenko 🇺🇦
2014 — 2024

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